Webinar: Helping People with Disabilities Get the Healthcare Coverage They Need
Date & Time: Jan 15, 2015 at 2:00 PM EST
The American Association on Health and Disability is pleased to announce that it is hosting a webinar which will feature a representative from the White House Office of Public Engagement on healthcare coverage outreach and enrollment for people with disabilities. The presentation will serve as a re-introduction to the National Disability Navigator Resource Collaborative (NDNRC) and help you think about what questions a person with a disability needs to think about when they are considering their health care options in the ACA Marketplace. Additionally, it will explain how the NDNRC is helping lead efforts to conduct community, state and national outreach to the disability community to encourage enrollment and how you can be involved in helping people with disabilities get the healthcare coverage they need. Disability advocates, people with disabilities and anyone doing healthcare enrollment, including navigators are encouraged to participate.
Please register for the webinar by clicking here.
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