The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a new issue brief which examines five key questions about various proposals to reform the Medicaid program. The five questions addressed in the issue brief are as follows:
- What Medicaid Financing Changes are Currently Being Considered?
- How Would a Block Grant Work?
- How Would a Per Capita Cap Work?
- What Details Do You Need to Know to Understand These Proposals?
- What are the Implications of a Block Grant or a Per Capita Cap?
In addition, the issue brief addresses issues like what would happen with the Medicaid expansion and how would a state contribution work? To download a copy of this issue brief, click here.
As the Medicaid reforms being considered are being done with the stated goal to give the states more flexibility, Kaiser also issued an issue brief which looks at the current flexibility that states have with the Medicaid program. The issue brief entitled “Current Flexibility in Medicaid: An Overview of Federal Standards and State Options” is available by clicking here.
Finally, Kaiser has also issued a series of state specific fact sheets which look at the makeup of the Medicaid population in each state as well as how a block grant or per capita cap would affect each individual state. Each of these state fact sheets can be found on each individual state page under “State Specific Resources.” To check your state, select your state below.