The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has proposed a National Coverage Determination (NCD) to cover elevation systems in power wheelchairs as a Medicare benefit. This will minimize strained shoulders and back muscles that impact an individual’s daily mobility in at home and outdoor settings. Comments are being received, particularly by people with disabilities who utilize Medicare, health care professionals, consumer advocates, and those serving communities that face healthcare disparities. CMS’s proposed NCD memorandum can be reviewed on the CMS website with the 30-day comment period ending on March 17, 2023. To learn more, check out the CMS press release.
AAHD is a member of the ITEM Coalition which has been advocating for the expansion of Medicare to include this benefit for many years. While this proposal will only affect coverage for Medicare, many private insurers follow Medicare guidelines for coverage, so this could have far-reaching implications for those who utilize power wheelchairs for their mobility.