AAHD is moving! Please note that there will not be an NDNRC update next week as we will be moving our office at the end of next week. The NDNRC update will return on February 14th.
Yesterday, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued guidance to states on what it would consider if states wanted to implement a Medicaid block grant for their state. Block grants in the Medicaid program would change the formula for how the federal government reimburses states for running their Medicaid program. To learn more about the CMS proposal or for links to the CMS letter, press release or fact sheet, check out our news item.
AAHD has significant concerns about the Medicaid block grant proposal and what it would mean for people with disabilities. See our blog post for AAHD’s statement. Additionally, other organizations have released statements opposing this new proposal. Links to these organizations’ statements are as follows:
OE7 concludes today in the final two jurisdictions where it was still ongoing: DC & NY. However, this is a good time to remind you that Medicaid enrollment goes all year long! AAHD has joined Community Catalyst and other partners in conducting outreach for OE7 to educate individuals about enrolling for coverage in 2020. Community Catalyst has an Outreach Hub which includes resources to use by those who are doing enrollment outreach. The Outreach Hub includes graphics like the one below which highlight the fact that Medicaid enrollment is all year long. To go directly to these graphics, check out this page of the Outreach Hub. To learn more about the project we are doing with Community Catalyst, check out our earlier news item.

Did you do enrollment work during OE7 and would you like to provide feedback on your experience this year? The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is conducting a survey for navigators and other enrollment assisters to learn about your experience and collect feedback on ways to improve the enrollment process. You can complete the survey here.
The Commonwealth Fund and the Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms (CHIR) have released a new issue brief which addresses what states have done to make individual coverage more affordable in the marketplace. To learn more about this issue brief or to download a copy, check out our news item.
The NIDILRR-funded Collaborative on Health Reform and Independent Living (CHRIL) is looking for adults with disabilities to complete an online survey about health insurance and health care services. For more information on the survey and to learn about the drawing they are having for gift cards, check out our news item. PLEASE NOTE: the deadline for this survey is TODAY!
If you haven’t done so, check out our updated blog post from earlier this month which summarizes our news items and resources on Medicaid work requirements.
Are you looking for local partners to help with outreach to the disability community? The NDNRC has Community Outreach Collaboratives (COCs) which work to increase collaborations in the community, dissemination and outreach efforts and enrollment of people with disabilities in the ACA marketplace. You can find a COC, on the COC page of our website.
Archives of our weekly updates are available on the NDNRC website.